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A MOOC Experience: English Grammar and Style

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As a requirement of ELE 202 Contextual Grammar II course that was instructed by Dr. Derya Bozdoğan, second year students enrolled in the English Grammar and Style MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) offered by edX. edX is a MOOC provider founded by Harvard and MIT that offers online courses in cooperation with the world's leading universities.


The English Grammar and Style online course started on 19/02/2018 and students completed the weekly assigned tasks by viewing the videos of online lectures, reviewing the content, posting comments and taking the mini quizzes. Below you can find some of the student reflections about their first MOOC experience:

EdX helped me improve my grammar in several ways. As an ELT student I think I know the basic rules of grammar and I do not have much trouble using it in the correct way. However, this online course assisted me about particular details in English grammar. Derin Yaya

I already knew about MOOC but I was not sure whether I could handle with the assignments or the tasks or not. After taking this course, I now realize that there was no need to hesitate about it. So, I want to thank you for giving us this assignment. Since I really love edX and learning online, I already enrolled in different courses. Ayşe Cürmen

Another thing that I love about the course is that I can choose what I want to do, study, and in the end, I can tell if I am successful or not. It is a wonderful thing that I can see my progress and in which topics I was successful or unsuccessful. Göknil Berberoğlu

It was my first MOOC and made a great impression on me about MOOCs. The instructors were great. The organisation of the course and the course material were thought out well. All in all, I am really glad that I took this course on edX. Burak Şenel

To see the English Grammar and Style course on MOOC, please click on the link.