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1st ELT Departments Meeting!

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The first ELT meeting was held on Friday, June 28, 2019 by TED University Faculty of Education English Language Teaching Program with the attendance of 70 academicians from 33 different universities. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate teacher training process as a whole including the selection of teacher candidates to the program, the curriculum followed in the faculty, the university-school cooperation and in-service teacher training. The results of prospective teachers’ opinions gathered on June 21 were shared with the academicians and it was observed that they expressed similar opinions with their students on many issues.

Academicians suggested replacing the multiple-choice test applied by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) with a test measuring language proficiency in an integrated way.

Like the prospective teachers, academicians expressed their concern about the decrease in the number of field education courses in the current program and stated Not taking stakeholders' views into consideration in the curriculum development process as a problem. Inadequate teaching hours, lack of diversity of teaching practice and inflexibility for universities in determining elective courses were among the problems mentioned.

Within the scope of university-school cooperation, the necessity of embracement of the internship process by both universities and schools in the same way and the importance of establishing a better communication on this issue were touched upon. Stating that university-school cooperation should also include research opportunities and decrease bureaucratic processes, the academicians suggested taking community service activities such as in-service training, consultancy and training seminars into consideration in career development process. 

It was also emphasized that the needs of the teachers should be taken into consideration in designing the content, methodology and evaluation of in-service teacher training programs. Differentiating in-service teacher training programs considering different regions and school types was also another suggestion of the academicians.

It was also stated that the preparation of an online platform where teachers could share their experiences and practices would be very beneficial for their professional development. Academicians also stated their belief in rewarding in-service trainings with various incentives, such as overseas training opportunities, would increase teachers' motivation to participate in these programs.

Academicians who expressed their contentment in being able to express their collective opinion with this meeting stated their expectations in taking necessary steps determined by the 2023 Vision Report.

The report which will be written combining both prospective teachers’ and academicians’ opinions is planned to be shared with the relevant authorities. 


The first ELT meeting was held on Friday, June 28, 2019 by TED University Faculty of Education English Language Teaching Program with the attendance of 70 academicians [ba1] from 33 different universities[ba2] [AGÖ3] . The aim of the meeting was to evaluate teacher training process as a whole including the selection of teacher candidates to the program, the curriculum followed in the faculty, the university-school cooperation and in-service teacher training. The results of prospective teachers’ opinions gathered on June 21 were shared with the academicians and it was observed that they expressed similar opinions with their students on many issues.


Academicians suggested replacing the multiple-choice test applied by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) with a test measuring language proficiency in an integrated way.

Like the prospective teachers, academicians expressed their concern about the decrease in the number of field education courses in the current program and stated Not taking stakeholders' views into consideration in the curriculum development process as a problem. [ba4] Inadequate teaching hours, lack of diversity of teaching practice and inflexibility for [ba5] universities in determining elective courses were among the problems mentioned.


Within the scope of university-school cooperation, the necessity of embracement of the internship process by both universities and schools in the same way and the importance of establishing a better [ba6] communication on this issue were touched upon. Stating that university-school cooperation should also include research opportunities and decrease bureaucratic processes, the academicians suggested taking community service activities such as in-service training, consultancy and training seminars into consideration in career development process.

It was also emphasized that the needs of the teachers should be taken into consideration in designing the content, methodology and evaluation of in-service teacher training programs. Differentiating in-service teacher training programs considering different regions and school types was also another suggestion of the academicians.

It was also stated that the preparation of an online platform where teachers could share their experiences and practices would be very beneficial for their professional development. Academicians also stated their belief in rewarding in-service trainings with various incentives, such as overseas training opportunities, would [ba7] increase teachers' motivation to participate in these programs.


Academicians who expressed their contentment in being able to express their collective opinion with this meeting stated their expectations in taking necessary steps determined by the 2023 Vision Report.

The report which will be written combining both prospective teachers’ and academicians’ opinions is planned to be shared with the relevant authorities.


 [ba2]different universities

 [ba4]Not taking stakeholders' views into consideration in the curriculum development process as a problem.

 [ba5]Inflexibility of

