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Asst. Prof. Dr. Pelin Irgin’s translated book with co-authors has been published!

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The book “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assesment_ Companion Volume”, which is one of the best-known and most used Council of Europe policy instruments, has been translated into Turkish by Prof. Dr. Y. Kirkgoz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Celik, Asst. Prof. Dr. P. Irgin, Dr. D. Copur, and Dr. S. Erbay-Cetinkaya with the name of “Diller için Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni: Öğrenme, Öğretme ve Değerlendirme_ Tamamlayıcı Cilt”.

This volume presents the key messages of the CEFR in a user-friendly form and contains all CEFR illustrative descriptors. For pedagogical use of the CEFR for learning, teaching and assessment, teachers and teacher educators will find it easier to access the CEFR Companion volume as the updated framework.

Council of Europe (2021). Diller için Avrupa ortak başvuru metni: Öğrenme, öğretme ve değerlendirme- Tamamlayıcı cilt (S. Celik, Y. Kirkgoz, D. Copur, P. Irgin, & S. Erbay Cetinkaya, Trans.). Council of Europe Publishing. (Original work published 2020).