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Awarded by the FLTA Program, our students are going to United States...


Tarih:  Date -

Büşra Elmaderesi, who continued her education with us in our English Language Teaching undergraduate and graduate programs, and Şebnem Cengiz, who graduated from our graduate program, were entitled to go to Michigan and Arizona with Fulbright's FLTA Program this year.

One of our students, Büşra Elmaderesi, will continue their education at Michigan State, Less Commonly Taught Languages Program, and Şebnem Cengiz will continue their education at The University of Arizona, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies.

Our students will be able to take one or two courses in a semester during 2023-2024, and work either as the main teacher of Turkish courses or as an assistant in Turkish courses given by a permanent teacher, in programs where Turkish is taught, which is among the Rare Taught and Critical Languages in the USA.

We congratulate our students and wish them success.